Encountering the new trail is also a new starting point.
Using the substance for creation, challenges to express thoughts from trace to sublimation are always experimented on by various ways.
【個展】キッチュしようよ!/【SOLO EXHIBITION】Let's Do KITSCH!
ギャラリー茶房 歳時季(東京都/杉並区荻窪)2008
Pseudo-, fake, pretense, skidding, in the time of Western Sahara where I stayed for an exhibition, I created dozens of pieces as art works which are fitted in the space of the gallery.
Gallery Saijiki (Ogikubo, Tokyo) 2008
いずれ来る人のために、挨拶、自己紹介、小さなもの何かを入れて次に繋ぐ。 繋いだことの「印し」や「記し」の集積が、場を作品に変える。
「あるってアート 2008(Koedo Kawagoe LIVE ART 2008)」(埼玉県/川越市)2008 – LINK
This GachaGacha is not only "Providing" but it's also "Putting."
Greetings, self-introduction, a small something can be put for a forthcoming person and then it connects to the next. Accumulation of a note or symbol inserted changes a place into a work.
SEKKIN-V Exhibition 2008 - Fujimidai-Danchi (Kunitachi,Tokyo)
Arutte Art 2008 (Koedo Kawagoe LIVE ART 2008) (Kawagoe, Saitama) 2008 – LINK
鰯のアタマも信心から/Also from the Religious Head of the Sardine
「アートinはむら展 VIII アートフェスティバル」羽村市生涯学習センター ゆとろぎ(東京都/羽村市)2008
There are three concrete walls on the roof top where I would use for "Tied Up" next year. These stand there as symbol of something by my thought. Seemingly in order to hide the appliances or air conditioning, the presence of the concretes exceeds far the intention of the architect.
I offered the place of the festival to the sardine's heads.
Art in Hamura 2008 VIII Art Festival – Yutorogi Public Hall (Hamura, Tokyo) 2008
女学生の食欲/Appetite of Girl's Students
「第7回 かたち・ふれあい展」実践女子短期大学キャンパス(東京都/日野市)2007
Hino where Jissen Woman Junior locates, is a motherland of Shinsengumi. The backbone of Shinsengumi (members) rooted in a farm village.
A lunch box packed with rice, water, and sun lights are for members of Shinsengumi and a lunch box packed with tinsel is for girl's students.
The 7th Katachi Fureai Exhibition - Jissen Woman Junior College (Hino, Tokyo) 2007
30秒の記憶と痕跡/The Memory of 30 seconds and Vestige
「2007 比企国際野外の表現展」東京電機大学鳩山キャンパス(埼玉県/比企)2007– LINK
Give me 30 seconds of your time. I photograph you and your wreck by pinhole camera.
The time of 30 seconds records things more than your wreck. It's a very long time when you don't move.
Then please take a rest at the bench of the sea bathing in a forest.
International Openair Expressions 2007 Hiki - Tokyo Denki University, Hatoyama Campus (Hiki, Saitama) 2007 – LINK
森の中で/In a Forest
「TAKIZAWA ART FIELD 2007」相の沢キャンプ場(岩手県/滝沢村)2007
Ainosawa of Takizawa where is a starting point for trails, is a camp site as well.
Many people come with family and a dog. They spend times and have lunch in humid air.
TAKIZAWA ART FIELD 2007 - Ainosawa Campsite (Takisawamura, Iwate) 2007
ランチ・ボックス/Lunch Box
Around the entrance of Fuchu museum is a place of recreation and relaxation for young children and their parents.
Then I put lunch boxes there for the exhibition.
SEKKIN Exhibition 2007 - Fuchu City Art Museum (Fuchu,Tokyo) 2007
日韓現代美術展「還流〜共振する場〜」– ギャルリー ヴェルジェ(神奈川県/相模原市)2005
It goes back and forth, ins and outs. It is a portion of a twist in the Mebius strip.
When it moves back and forth two planes, the consciousness deviates from a plane.
KAN-RYU (Japan, Korea Modern Art Exhibition 2005) – Galerie Verger (Sagamihara, Kanagawa) 2005
When a similar work is places on a horizontal plane, this work is no longer a plane and exists as only one.